How to Follow the Instructions:

As you watch the video, you can read the main points below. There are also photos and video caption times to help you keep your place. PAUSE and PLAY as you go.

  1. (0.11) Setup the foot brace before inflating the sides of the kayak. (Note: there is a left and right pedal.

  2. (0.13~0.17) Push the rod into the hole closest the front of the kayak.

  3. (0.20) Slide the pedal onto the rod (Note: there is a left and right pedal)

  4. (0.23~33) Bend the rubber brace with your hand or knee (before inflation) and pull the rod into position (Bend the rubber brace, not the metal rod)

  5. (0.330.38) Inflate the kayak to 10psi. Adjust the pedal to your desired position.

Main points for removing the foot brace:
  1. (0.40~0.55) Deflate the kayak. Slide the rod to the front of the boat. Bend the paddle with one hand or knee and pull the pedal with the other hand.

  2. (0.56~1.05) The rod can be stored in the clip behind each pedal.